The Cost of Unhealthy Employees: Four Things Employers Can Do To Increase Employee Health

Employee health are more productive and generate greater business success. Seems obvious, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, many employees struggle to maintain good health. Why? Below are two reasons employees are not productive and four solutions employers can use to improve employee health and productivity.

Burnout and Stress Lead to Lack of Motivation and Lower Productivity

Most employees today are stressed. They have lived through years of the pandemic, uncertain how their business would adapt to government mandates trying to keep workers and customers safe. Over two years of employees continuously pivoting with new situations.

One study found 75 percent of workers feel burned out, with 40 percent stating their burnout is caused by the pandemic. Prolonged burnout causes fatigue, insomnia, and long-term health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. As a result, many employees believe the burnout has impacted their relationships with their job, families, and friends. You can learn more about job burnout from the Mayo Clinic.

Currently, many employees lack the motivation to go to work every day. When they are at work, many say their productivity declines as they struggle to focus on their projects and make timely decisions.

Higher Turnover

Today, recruiting and retaining staff is the number one challenge businesses face as we - hopefully - enter a post-pandemic economy. Consequently, business leaders rank attracting and recruiting talent as their company’s biggest challenge, followed closely by difficulties in retaining top workers.

Burned-out employees are overwhelmed employees. Generally, employees try to improve their attitude toward their job situation, but eventually give up and look for other job opportunities. Their goal is to land a less stressful job, making it easier to balance work and life responsibilities.

Research shows 45 percent of employers report that employee burnout causes 20 to 50 percent of their annual turnover. Also, nearly 95 percent of business leaders believe employee burnout damages their workforce retention efforts.

Employee turnover impacts a company’s bottom line. On average, an employer spends about 20 percent of a position’s annual salary replacing an employee. These costs can include recruiting, on-boarding, training, and teaching the new employee the skills necessary to perform their new job.

Therefore, employer’s should strive to minimize burnout by establishing a supportive culture, great benefits, and a work environment that shows workers they’re cared about, and their contributions are appreciated.

"When you take care of your team, you take care of your business."

-Sir Richard Branson, Entrepreneur and Founder of Virgin Group

Four Things Employers Can Do To Increase Employee Health

Focusing on employee health helps workers feel happier, less stressed, and more satisfied with their job. In a healthy workplace, employees take less time off for physical and mental health problems. Here are four things employers can do to help employees find their work/life balance:

1. Provide the Right Mix of Employee Health Benefits

An employer should offer health, dental, and vision plans with coverage options to meet a range of employee needs. Periodically, educate your employees about their benefits and show examples of how they can use their coverage. In addition, explain preventive screening options that may be included with their plan to encourage good health practices.

Many employees fail to understand the value of the preventive services to which they are entitled through their coverage. For example, research shows that most millennials don’t take advantage of preventive care options. This decision could impact millennials’ long-term health, possibly leading to higher insurance premiums.

2. Offer Caregiver Benefits

Another way employers can assist employees is to offer caregiver benefits. Many employees care for children and older adults, and this responsibility can overlap with their work hours—and increase their stress. Caregiver benefits help employees juggle family needs by providing financial support or backup care options. This benefit eases employee worries and concerns and can be a great retention motivator as well as a great recruiting tool. Caregiver benefits demonstrate that an employer cares for its employees.

3. Offer Increased Paid Time Off and Flexible Schedules

Employees value flexible work schedules and time off to help balance work and life needs. Therefore, Companies should give employees the flexibility to organize their day to meet work needs, deadlines, and personal needs. Whenever possible, let employees determine how, when and where they complete their work.

Also, throughout the year, encourage employees to use their time off to destress and refresh. Remind workers to take sick time when they are ill. About 90 percent of employees say they come to work when they don’t feel well. Not only are they less productive, but they share their germs with coworkers who may get sick.

4. Listen to Employee Health Needs

Several times a year, conduct pulse surveys with employees to understand their issues, problems and concerns they are facing. In response to their feedback, set up programs and offer benefits to meet employee needs. For example, many employees are struggling financially. Offering a range of financial well-being programs can provide the support workers need to allow them to focus on their jobs while at work.

How Can Lewer Help?

Lewer offers a range of health benefit options including Togetherall. Togetherall is a safe, anonymous online peer community focused solely on supporting mental health. Additionally, the program offers access to registered mental health practitioners 24/7. Finally, if you need support, Togetherall can give personalized assistance, a self-assessment, and courses for your concerns in minutes. Contact us to learn about your options to improve employee health in your business!

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